Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Hosts Flying Club Seminar

A graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University in Daytona Beach, Florida, Kevin Camilli serves as chief executive officer of Grey Aviation Advisors and Solutions, Inc., located in Destin, Florida. To help him stay current with industry trends, Kevin Camilli maintains membership with several professional affiliations, including the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA).

Begun in 1939, the AOPA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to general aviation. It seeks to keep general aviation safe while protecting the right to fly. With 400,000 members scattered across 75 countries, the AOPA is the largest aviation organization in the world.

To help its members connect, the AOPA sponsors a variety of events throughout the year. These events include conferences, social gatherings, and seminars. The Winter Lakeland Flying Club Seminar, scheduled for November 18, 2017, will take place in Lakeland, Florida, near the Central Florida Aerospace Academy. Attendees will join AOPA’s You Can Fly Ambassador Jamie Beckett for a free seminar on how to start and run a flying club. At this free seminar, they also learn how to fly more, spend less, and have fun flying. After the seminar, attendees can enjoy a luncheon hosted by the Lakeland Aero Club.